Leadership Team


The Rotary Club of Portland's Leadership Team consists of the Club President, Club President-Elect, Club Immediate Past President, Trust President, Trust Board Vice President, and the Administrative Managers, who support both the Club and Trust. This team meets monthly to oversee all operations of the Club and Trust. Any topic that cannot be addressed at the leadership level goes to the Club or Trust Boards for discussion and vote. 


2024-2025 Leadership Team

Curtis Shirey

Club President

Jana Cole

Club President-Elect

 Will Nolan

Immediate Past Club President 



Katherine Kennedy

Trust President


Barb Fisher

Trust Vice-President


Maria Moran

Club Admin (Finance)




Patsy Feeman

Club Admin (Meetings and Membership)





How does one become part of the leadership team?

If you are interested in future leadership in the Rotary Club of Portland, thank you! We need future leaders who are passionate about our club and about Service Above Self. 


For Club leadership, our Immediate Past President leads the Nominating Committee to select from a list of qualified members to serve as the next President Elect-Nominee. In order to qualify, members must have served on the Club Board for at least one year before taking office as President Elect-Nominee. After a member is President Elect-Nominee, they move into the President-Elect role the following year before then becoming President the following year. If you are interested in serving on the Club Board to get your foot in the door, please let the Club President know that you are interested in serving! Each year, the Club holds Board elections and any member who has been a member of our club for at least two years may be nominated. 


In order to qualify for Trust Board leadership, a member needs to currently serve on the Trust Board. The path to the Trust Board is exactly the same as the Club Board; let the Trust President know you are interested, or have a fellow member nominate you during election time. 


For questions about Club Leadership, you can reach out to any of the above Leadership Team members above.